Grade 6

During Term 4, Year 6A and 6B students have been focusing on Poetry. Student are analysing different poetry types such as Cinquain, Haiku, and Quatrain and have been enjoying writing poems about various topics. The poets in our classes have even started to write humorous poems and love sharing them with other classes to make them laugh! Keep up the good work.


The students have had a fun, yet artistically challenging start to the term! Our focus has been to develop our weaving skills while using a variety of materials such as yarn, paper, and fabric to create beautifully-woven artworks!

The Grade 1s in particular investigated this technique with branch weaving – an activity that requires you to hold two sticks tightly together like a cross, and weave yarn around each branch until we are satisfied with the appearance. Though it is a tedious process, the students created such visually stunning pieces that are beyond their skills!

Through this activity, I have witnessed perseverance, initiative and dedication amongst all our young artists!


Drama this term started off with a bang, with the concert fast approaching most year 4’s and 5’s focused on their concert pieces, busily creating, staging and rehearsing. Alongside concert practice the focus has been improvisation. Learning to develop communication and characterisation skills in order to perform a scene ON THE SPOT!

Year 6 drama classes have been working on their advertisement task, where students have memorised a given commercial to perform in front of the camera. The focus of the activity has been oral communication, students having to work on expression using their voices and gestures without much movement.

I have seen a huge improvement over this year with students’ confidence levels and communication skills both physically and vocally. It is great to see kids having fun and learning valuable skills along the way!

Madeleine Currie
Head of Performing Arts